اشترك في خدمة النشرات الإخبارية للاتحاد
إن كنت في الصحراء، على البحر أو في إحدى شوارعها التاريخية، لن تكتفي بالتأكيد بكل التجارب التي تقدمها الكويت

أهلاً بكم في دولة الكويت

اشترك في خدمة النشرات الإخبارية للاتحاد

جولات المدينة

Madeenah takes you on a tour to explore the political, economic, architectural and natural landscapes that have come to define contemporary Kuwait City, highlighting both past and present. 

These tours include the “In Place of Democracy” tour from Safat Square to Kuwait City Waterfront, the “Co-ordinates of Memory” stretching on the Abdullah Al-Ahmad Street, and the “An Unexpected Landscape” at Sulaibikhat Coast. 


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    Madeenah Tours

    Madeenah takes you on a tour to explore the political, economic, architectural and natural landscapes that have come to define contemporary Kuwait City, highlighting both past and present. These tours include the “In Place of Democracy” tour from Safat Square to Kuwait City Waterfront, the “Co-ordinates of Memory” stretching on the Abdullah Al-Ahmad Street, and the “An Unexpected Landscape” at Sulaibikhat Coast.

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