اشترك في خدمة النشرات الإخبارية للاتحاد
إن كنت في الصحراء، على البحر أو في إحدى شوارعها التاريخية، لن تكتفي بالتأكيد بكل التجارب التي تقدمها الكويت

أهلاً بكم في دولة الكويت

اشترك في خدمة النشرات الإخبارية للاتحاد

Jahra Reserve Tour

A wet and green area attracting a very wide variety of migrants and winterers, and providing an important refuge from hunting: 220 species have been recorded.

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    About Jahra Reserve

    The reserve is considered to be the first eco-tourism project in Kuwait with the aim of increasing environmental awareness and appreciating the landscape. A wet and green area attracting a very wide variety of migrants and winterers, and providing an important refuge from hunting: 220 species have been recorded.

    There are two different observation outposts at the reserve and you will be able to visit one of them during your trip which is limited to an hour and a half.

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    Booking and Cost

    The cost of visiting the reserve is KD10 for up to 5 people and increases the larger the group it. Because it’s a reserve the visit will be guided and so you won’t be able to wander off on your own and are limited to visiting just selected areas.


    If you want to visit the reserve then you need to request an entry permit from the EPA and pay the fee. Here is the link to the form on the EPA website. Linkhttps://khadamat.epa.org.kw/jahra_visits


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التجهيز للجولة

Application for a pass to enter Protected Areas - Kuwait

Request to issue a permit to enter Jahra Reserve (monitoring and documentation by photography enthusiasts) here https://khadamat.epa.org.kw/jahra_visits 

Your order will be considered canceled if the payment process is not completed within 10 minutes of its date

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تجربة الزوار
